About A Film Look

What You See is What You Get.

This is a web page about film.  Comments, clips, lists, even scripts and bits.  Its contents reflect an appreciation of film as both an art form and as pure entertainment.  This is not my only blog, and I have a published book.  But I would like to dedicate this page to film.

Snippets in the home page introduce the page: thoughts and news on current movies, events, etc.  The A Film Look Lists section in the main bar menu includes a ranking of films both overall and by genre, people to watch, other forthcoming.  The next menu bar section, Movies, Scripts, What Else?, contains essays on film making.  The Info and Resources tab is a gathering of links to many a film buff’s resources, including box office, studios’ Oscar wish lists, books and websites for screenwriting, curios from around the web, etc.

The secondary tabs return to the home page in its “news” link, leads to commentary and guest reviews under the “reviews” tab, and has a selection of outstanding “videos” with remarkable acting, lines, or otherwise memorable scenes or information always worth a second or third watch.  I don’t do reviews, but do accept guest reviews.

Quick caveat: The essays are thematic commentary and, as such, have so called “spoilers”.  If knowing what a movie is about, what are its twists, turning points or mysteries ruin a movie for you then do not read these.  If you enjoy watching The GodfatherJawsAn American in Paris or The Birds over and over again, well then, you are the kind of reader that will enjoy this blog.

Dialogue matters, in life as well as film. I look forward to interesting dialogue on this page.

Carlos J. Rangel

Author, business owner, other.

Contact: info@afilmlook.com

Copyright notice.
