South Florida Film Festivals

Eyeglasses invertedFilm in South Florida.

Film Festivals abound throughout the country and South Florida is not left behind.  The weather, sometimes stormy notwithstanding, makes the area an attractive hot bed of activity, both for making and showing films.

Here are links to a calendar of festivals in the Miami-Dade area, of film activities in the Broward county (Fort Lauderdale) area and for the same in the Palm Beach county area.

Click here for Miami, including South Beach.

Click here for Fort Lauderdale.

Click here for Palm Beach.


  1. Magda May 1, 2013 7:16 pm  Reply

    ps: I love
    the random quote I got this time: “The Duderino, if you’re not into the brevity thing.” From (obviously) the Big Lebowsky.

  2. Magda May 1, 2013 7:14 pm  Reply

    That’s terrific! Here in Seattle we are starting our Film Festival Year With SIFF ( I just got an email today from them with the tittle ‘Festival Alert’ elaborating that the box office opens on May 2nd. That’s tomorrow! Yes, we are here! Great way to announce that we are taking Spring by storm! (no pun intended to you SoFloers). Ironically, by going indoors to sit in the dark. But hey, we all have our needs, and culture reigns supreme!
